Sunday, February 27, 2011

30 day challenge

For some reason or another, I have done a pretty good job of allowing eating healthy and working out to become a daily discipline of mine.  That is great and all, but I'm still very disappointed in myself almost daily.  You see, there is a MUCH MORE IMPORTANT daily discipline that I should be doing every single day, and I am going to share with you my journey in the next 30 days to try to make it a habit.

The daily discipline that I desperately need in my daily life is daily reading the Word of God.  I have been a follower of Christ since I was young, so you would think that this would be a no brainer and a non-negotiable in my life.... but somehow throughout the years I have allowed this to not be very important it would seem.  I need a wake up call fo sho! 

So here is what I am going to do.  I am going to make a point to read the word every single day.  I'm going to TRY to get up and do it before work, but if I don't, I will fit it in at some point in my day.  I will let you know how I am doing every so often. 

The reason I feel so strongly about this is because of the example of my parents.  Here they are, John and Brenda.

my sweet daddy

she looked so pretty at my wedding.  she is such a simple lady.
when she was younger, she had this LONG blonde hair and she parted it down the middle. 
she was hot!

My parents are the 2 greatest living examples of what it means to live like Christ and to be utterly dependent upon Him.  They each get up every single morning and start their day with the Word of God.  They have both read the Bible completely through NUMEROUS times, but they still believe that they need the power and wisdom that only comes from reading God's words.  The Bible is literally the ONLY actual thing that we can read that are His words directly to us.  Amazing...... 

I am determined to be this kind of woman.  I want my children to say of me one day that I was such a woman of God and that I showed them through my actions that the Bible was my main source. 

Right now if someone would look into my life they would think my main sources for life were:  twitter,  reality t.v.,  coffee, talking to my husband  and working out.  As innocent and "good" as some of those things are (excluding reality t.v.... I'm only human)  NONE of these things sustain me. 

When Wade lost his dad in November, we did not look to twitter or t.v. for comfort.  When we had NO IDEA where we should live when we first got married... we didn't look for our answers in the gym.  When I daily feel upset because I haven't found a teaching job yet, twitter is not what gives me hope for my future.  I need the Word of God active in my life.... DAILY.... not just when we are going through hard times.

So, here I go.  I am going to read the word every day.  If I can do it for at least 30 days, it will become a habit! 

What do you need to do for a challenge right now?  It may be that you are the exact opposite of me and you have reading the Word DOWN... and you need to try to work out at least 5 days a week.  Whatever it may be, we all need to be bettering ourselves. 

Let me know what you are going to do for the next 30 days!

Here's to growing!!!
Talk to y'all later!!


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