As mentioned yesterday I wanted to explain and teach what I have found to be true about the science of loosing weight and building lean muscle...AKA achieving the body of your dreams. Let me first give you my disclaimer. I am NOT a nutritionist... yet. I have plans to get certified through ISSA this summer in personal training and nutrition, but it has not happened yet. To be a personal trainer and have solid knowledge of nutrition has been a dream of mine for a while. I don't think I will quit teaching or anything. I hope to just do training in my spare time. Therefore, the information I am about to share with you is solely based upon my own personal weight loss experience and the amazing research of others. I have read numerous books on eating correctly and eating for weight loss and the ones I loved the most all pretty much said the same thing. So in my layman's terms I will sum up what these books have taught me. Also, I watch the biggest looser all the time, and what Jillian and Bob teach are the same principles I found in my experience and in the books I read. And let me just tell you, if those 500 pound people can achieve the bodies they want, you my friend have NO excuse!
Even though the "science" of eating correctly is pretty elementary and basic, it is one of the hardest things to do for almost everyone. And let me say this too, I understand that there are people out there who have terrible obstacles in their way of loosing weight. There are medical conditions like thyroid problems and other metabolism issues that could prevent someone from loosing weight by only eating good and working out.. BUT those people are a very VERY small percentage of the population. If you happen to be one of those very few who suffer from medical issues that prevent weight loss, I truly am sorry, and I hope you are seeking medical attention. But for the rest of you, it is not complicated, but it is HARD!!!!
So here is the secret...
In order to loose weight and build lean muscle you must burn more calories than you put into your body, you must work out to a good sweat and breathing hard-- EVERY TIME, and you must build muscle through some type of resistance training.
Let me break it down.
The "burning more calories than you put in" part. One of the biggest problems I see myself and others do is that they may work out like a maniac, but they have eaten WAY too many calories to ever burn in a single workout. For example, there is a certain amount of calories your body automatically burns in a day when you are just "at rest". There is a way to know your number. I'll tell you later. So let's just use me for an example. If I want to loose weight right now I cannot eat more than about 1,700 calories in a day. That is MY number. I'm a very active person, so your number may be different. So let's just say that in a day I eat like 3000 calories. And that is VERY easy to do.....a few cookies, some chips, a burrito.. you get the picture. If I consumed that many calories, then I would have to work out and burn 1300 calories in that day to not gain weight!!!! That is VERY hard to do in 1 single workout! It would take a long time and I could NOT work out that long every day. For me to burn like 1,300 calories, I would have to run HARD for at LEAST an hour and 1/2 and do some weights after that. On average I burn about 700 calories in one of my more intense workouts. So, the bottom line is, I could be working out every single day but eating really bad and not only would I not loose any weight, chances are I would gain!
Most personal trainers will tell you that weight loss is 75-80% what you eat and 25-20% working out. This is why if I do complete my personal training license, I want to add the Nutrition license to it. Nutrition is so important.
Now that I have you all confused and mad at me because I gave you all these numbers and what not, I'm going to tell you exactly where you can go to be able to calculate how many calories YOU should be eating every day.
I have the "mobil" edition. It is an app on my phone. On this site, you just answer questions about yourself and it tells you how many calories you should be eating according to your weight loss goals AND your fitness level. It's awesome! I use it every day! There are other places that do this same thing. My friend Cindy does Weight Watchers and instead of counting calories, they count points. It's all the same thing though!
Ok, I think that is enough for your sweet little heads for today. Tomorrow and the days to follow I will go into more parts of this thang.
I will go into:
-What you should be eating.
-Workouts to try that are worth your time and effort.
Don't get overwhelmed! Just start! Just start trying! You don't have to be perfect, no one is. But you have to start chipping away at this thing. You have to start making small changes today!!
Now, get out there and get yo butt in shape!
I'll talk to y'all soon!
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